Partners in Animal Care & Compassion

PACC Priorities
Our priorities are informed by over four decades of combined volunteering in the trenches, and rescuing dogs from CA public shelters. We have witnessed first hand the behemoth that is CA's public sheltering system, trying to keep up with the unrelenting flow of unplanned and unwanted animals entering what are too often, essentially animal prisons, ill equipped to adequately care for such sentient and social beings. PACC is actively working to support the day where the number of animals entering our shelters is small, manageable, and those animals experience the care, compassion, and yes PLAY we would all hope for, from our local shelters. For these reasons, we are laser focused on the 3 priorities below...
1. Legislate a CA Spay Neuter Fund
Spaying and neutering saves money. It simultaneously increases community safety and is a humane alternative to animals entering, suffering in, and dying in shelters. Despite California taxpayers funding ~153 public shelters to the tune of ~$400M annually to control, shelter, vet, adopt out and euthanize animals, California has the second highest shelter animal kill rate in the nation, behind Texas.
This tragedy has been taking place for far too long, and must stop NOW.
PACC is seeking legislative support for this State Budget Request: CA Spay Neuter Fund. This is an uphill battle that we feel we have no other choice but to climb on behalf of the steady stream of unplanned, unwanted animals unfortunate enough to land in CA's public shelters that are ill-equipped to care for this number of animals.
2. Bring Playgroups to CA Shelters
CA is behind the curve in committing to the national best practice, highly respected, Dogs Playing for Life playgroup model, that commits to Every Dog, Out to Play, Every Day. Instead animals in many, if not most, CA public shelters languish, isolated in kennels where they suffer terribly, rapidly deteriorate and are subsequently, quietly euthanized (Peninsula Humane Society, Contra Costa Animal Services, Santa Cruz Animal Shelter, we're looking at you).
PACC does not accept any excuses for not transforming the lives of shelter dogs through the relatively simple, incredibly inexpensive act of safely grouping dogs by play style and LETTING THEM OUT TO PLAY! Compare the video above and below - if you were shelter dog - which would you choose?! What do you hope for from your local public shelter?!
3. Rescue and Rehome Shelter Dogs at Risk of Euthanasia
Shelter dogs are our passion. We identify shelter dogs at risk of euthanasia, match them with suitable foster homes, ready them for adoption and then find loving forever families to provide the life every companion animal deserves. We likewise help with rehoming dogs at risk of landing in a shelter as a result of individual or family crisis, trauma, or poverty.
See Success Stories for the animals we, alongside our communities, have poured our hearts into to date ❤️